Mobile application for supporting and developing your business

With catalog, orders, delivery, admin control panel.

Fast business transition online launch 10 days after purchase

For iOS and Android works on both operating systems

No commissions and rents for use

Convenient and clear management so simple you will love it

Mobile application for restaurants, cafes, coffee shops and other areas of business

Transfer your business online and organize your work with the help of the RestUp mobile application. Free yourself from any restrictions, even quarantine. After all, RestUp has everything you need for a full, convenient and effective work on the sale and delivery of orders to your customers.

Are you ready to try?

What other types of business will be useful RestUp?

Online shops E-commerce for sale of appliances, household goods, accessories.

Grocery shops Sale and delivery of food, water, etc.

Household shops Delivery of gifts, flowers, household goods.

Beauty Beauty salons, hairdressers, master services.

Mobile applications have become the main driver of business in 2021 and this is only the beginning...

Intensive growth of the mobile application market. According to research of the international platform Adjust, the intensive growth of the mobile application market began in April: mobile games (43%), applications for business (105%) and food delivery (73%).

Mobile applications have never been as popular as in 2020. By 40% increased the involvement of mobile users during isolation, and the rate of purchases increased from 10,5% to 14,7%.

More online purchases. Following the transition to remote work, the number of online purchases of goods increased. Retailers have recorded significant growth in both new users and repeat orders, which indicates a steady trend of increasing interest in online shopping in all areas.

Online business services have already become the norm. In today's world, where the possibility of personal contact with buyers is reduced, mobile applications stimulate demand growth. If before, the availability of online service showed the progress of business, today it became a norm!

You get a wide range of opportunities for conducting and developing business

Attractive menu catalog convenient viewing, search, selection of dishes/goods

Convenient service of delivery that will increase the service level of the establishment and the volume of orders

Client's personal account selected products, order history, personal offers

Important SMS and Push notifications send offers that customers can't refuse

Quick ordering in a few simple steps and with the option of online payment

Loyalty program to attract customers bonuses, promotions, gifts - your establishment will become a favorite

Current customer feedback pay attention to the evaluation of your customers and improve the service

Convenient admin control panel easy to manage, convenient to work, evaluate work efficiency

More about managing the work of the establishment using the admin panel

The administrative panel will help you work conveniently and quickly with the catalog, prices and other content of the mobile application.

Processing and reviewing the number of orders, a list of customers, statistical data, providing different levels of access for staff - all these functions will help in the high-quality organization of the restaurant's work.

And what is important - it does not need to be bought and paid for separately!

Do you want to see the advantages of RestUp yourself? Get demo access to the mobile app!

No registration, no payment - just fill out the form

The starting price of the RestUp mobile application is $950 and this cost is very attractive. We will explain why

Buy and pay once You buy the mobile app once, and it becomes your full ownership. We perform stylization of the interface under the establishment's brand: corporate colors, logo, etc.

You choose from 3 price offers You can choose the offer that is most relevant for your business today with the further possibility of expanding and enriching the functionality.

You don't pay commissions for each order Since the application is your property, you will not pay a commission on each order, as in cooperation with aggregators - which is 30% of each check amount! Your profit is only yours.

No rental fees The minimum rental price of the application on the market is approximately $100 per month. Per year - $1,200. But the business is not built for a year. Be confident and independent of the terms of the lease. Choose your own product!

Good purchase offers choose yours!

What do you get?







  • Brand icon + corporate colors
  • +++

  • IOS + Android
  • +++

  • Multilingualism (Ukrainian, Russian and English languages)
  • +++

  • Catalog + categories + products
  • +++

  • Order processing functionality
  • +++

  • User's personal account
  • +++

  • Delivery functionality
  • +++

  • Admin panel
  • +++

  • Online payment
  • -++

  • Loyalty program
  • -++

  • SMS/Push notifications
  • -++

  • Filling the catalog
  • -++

  • Publication in the App Store, Google Play
  • +++

  • Development of a marketing strategy
  • --+

  • Advertising settings (Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram)
  • --+

  • Technical support of the project
  • +++

More details

For start

The price is 1500$

More details

For confident business conduct

The price is 2300$

More details

For serious competition

The price is 3200$

More details

Not convinced? Numbers will tell better than us! Calculate how quickly RestUp will pay for itself

To launch your own mobile application are required only a few steps

1. Sign the contract Signing the contract certifies yours ownership of the mobile application. Guarantees its high-quality technical work. No risks for you.

2. Make a payment After signing the contract, an advance is paid, the final settlement is made after the publication of the application in playmarkets. If you have a need for special conditions, we are ready to discuss them individually.

3. Provide corporate style For high-quality stylization of the interface for your brand, we need the logo of the establishment and others corporate style elements if available. The mobile application will match the style of your establishment.

4. Fill the catalog We will help to create catalog categories and quickly fill it by positions. There is a possibility of automatic catalog import - we discuss individually.

5. Publish to Google Play/App Store Our specialists will prepare the visualization and description of the mobile application in accordance with requirements of marketplaces. We will provide all necessary recommendations and assistance for quick moderation of the project in Google Play and the App Store.

6. And process the order :) It will take only 10 days to complete all the steps, after which you and your customers will be able to actively use all the opportunities mobile application. Are you ready to work actively? Then do not delay - contact us!

A few facts about the developer of RestUp

Who we are The author and developer of the mobile application RestUp is an agency of complex IT solutions - LLC KIT Global.

More than 6 years of experience We have a successful experience in creating mobile products for small and medium-sized businesses of various fields of activity.

Convincing portfolio Projects developed by our team designed to solve business problems and make business successful and profitable.

Powerful management Project managers provide communication with the client for effective problem solving by the development team.

Comprehensive approach and not only We develop mobile applications and implement marketing measures for engaging the target audience.

Always in touch Our customers always get operative technical and informational support of projects.

Our clients

  • client's logo
  • client's logo
  • client's logo
  • client's logo
  • client's logo
  • client's logo

Popular questions about the mobile application and our answers

How soon will the project start for my establishment?

No later than 10 days from the moment of purchase! Under the condition, of course, of prompt communication with the customer. We discuss the specifics of business operation, based on the results, we create a "road map", define goals. We stylize the interface according to the corporate style of the brand. After preparatory work, we begin integration with the establishment's business processes, publish the mobile application on Google Play/App Store. We test the quality of work. On average, the work takes up to 10 days.

What is the difference between subscription and purchase?

With the purchase, you pay once - and use the mobile application for as long as you need. You will be able to develop the project, implement new functions, chips. The subscription seems cheaper, but in the long run, even if it is calculated to work for 6 months, it will already be more expensive than buying the app. In addition, under the condition of subscription, you will constantly be subject to the conditions of the seller, which he can change at any time. Developing and implementing new features will be difficult.

How will I attract clients and receive profit with the help of the application?

An active audience has long been using mobile phones to purchase goods and services. Since the start of the quarantine, the percentage of mobile buyers has increased several times. And this is not only a temporary necessity, statistics show the growth of purchases through mobile applications over the last years. That is why the own application will expand access to the target audience and become a new channel for receiving orders. Competent marketing measures will help to do it quickly. You can use any offline and online advertising tools.

Is there a loyalty program and how does it work?

Surprises, bonuses, personal discounts and gifts give customers positive emotions and desire to order more. In our mobile application you can implement an individual loyalty program from the establishment so that your customers come back to you again and again. For example, the accumulation of bonuses for orders, discounts from the volume of purchases, a birthday gift, etc. And the functionality of SMS and Push notifications will help to quickly remind and inform about special offers for your customers and encourage them to order. The functionality of SMS and Push notifications will help to quickly remind and inform about special offers for your customers and encourage them to order.

Is it possible to integrate with the automation system of my establishment?

Yes, it is possible. But since there are many automation systems, as well as the percentage of use of one or another software by Ukrainian restaurants, this functionality is developed individually for each establishment. Specify the system you are using and we will calculate the terms and cost of integration with mobile application.

Do you have any questions? Write to us

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